Thursday, August 12, 2010

Starbucks, The Stitchin' Den and Small Town Life

Yesterday morning my wonderful husband called me from Starbucks and asked if  I would like a mocha. Me, turn down a mocha?  Not on your life. The sight of that Starbucks cup brought a big smile to my face. Oh sure, the coffee with chocolate gave reason to cheer, but just look at that greeting written on the side of the cup. Now I ask you, where you gonna get that kind of personal service in a big city? (Thanks, Keely, you are a joy giver, for sure.)

We may have a Starbucks here in Estes Park, but it's still a small town. I know this to be true because recently I tried to find a store that sells eyebrow pencils. I may as well have been on a quest for the Holy Grail. Several women had this to say about that, "If you can't find it at True Value or Safeway, you gotta go down the hill".  "Down the hill" means to Loveland or Boulder. A 45-minute drive for an eyebrow pencil?  I don't think so. Avon to the rescue with a 2 for 1 sale. My advise to any small town woman who use cosmetics -- get yourself an Avon Lady. It beats going down the hill.

Just another word about small town living and then I'll sign off. Dennis and I were recruited for an ad for The Stitchin' Den. We had just come home from hiking when Susan, the owner, hailed us and asked if we'd sit and chat for the cameraman in exchange for a cup of coffee. "Heck, yes," we said, "we can do that." We had a good time, as you'll see from this You Tube video.  Feel the joy!

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